Meilen Bus Stops
Identity Buildings for the Town of Meilen
The town Meilen is part of the urban agglomeration of Zurich, situated along the scenic north bank of the Lake of Zurich. The municipality asked to construct a series of new bus stops. ROK won the competition, proposing a design which incorporates site specific information, based on the rich cultural and historic background of Meilen. Appropriate images were selected and translated into abstract patterns in perforated metal plates to serve as a translucent background. For each of the 5 bus stops an individual theme and hole pattern was developed to emphasize the distinguishing characteristic of the shelter and to root it to its specific location.

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch


Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch

Daniel Stauch






Project Information
Type: Architecture
Location: Meilen, Switzerland
Status: Completed
Year: 2013